The name lent itself to this very expressive typography, which plays with the idea of “circling back” to old friendships, pulling them into the present. The O and the A overlap to form a peace sign, which in turn becomes the body of a man smiling at a friend formed from the “i”. The “q” and the “u” hug each other lovingly. The distinctive “a”s circles back on themselves, the “n”s wobble forward and backward, another series of homages to the idea of returning to the past. Lastly the “t” is connected to the “s” with a delicate, meandering swash. The letterforms are drawn by hand, congruous to the made by hand approach of our products.
Simon Abranowicz

I have always been fascinated with movies,actors and actresses. I started to collect Lobby Cards as a teenager at flea markets. A lobby card is a small poster for a film often displayed in the massive lobbies of movie palaces. They gave the audience an early look of the film's cinematic grandeur.T Lobby cards started to be made around 1913 and printed on heavy paper usually 11" x 14 "These lobby cards were important in the movie industry's early days but lobby cards survived until the 1980's. The current market value depending on the film ca range from $15 ro $25,000.
Browse this collection for sale
Enjoy !
Needlework is one of mankind’s oldest art forms. It dates back to Exodus in the Bible and stitch work has been found in the tombs of Egypt dating back to the 15th century. Over the course of time it has fallen in and out of vogue. However, in the early 19th century Needlework experienced a worldwide renaissance and it's been going strong ever since.
For me , I was looking for a hobby to idle my tension due to my choice of a very stressful profession.
Needlepoint as most hobbies, can be either simple or difficult... This depends on the individual. My canvases reflect a range of complexity. Some use basic stitching and others feature complicated patterns with a variety of threads and original designs. All depending on my mood at the time.
For me needlepoint is above all an artistic activity. My mother did needlepoint. Both my mother and my grandmother were seamstresses.
A woman who has been a needlepoint artist for many years recently told me that stitching has always been a popular hobby among men who spend a great deal of time at sea. This is now true for me --I moved to Black Rock, Connecticut near St. Mary's by the Sea.
Patrick Fratellone Jr

ANTIQUES / memorabilia
Collecting antiques doesn't have to feel intimidating, and it doesn't have to be expensive. If you're a beginner, considering a new hobby, or want to add a bit of history to your home with the perfect antique collection-- YOU CAN START by viewing some of the antiques I am selling.
For more than 30 years, I have collected various antiques. From coins to Roseville Pottery to Memorabilia from the New York Worlds Fair 1939 There are thousands of different types of antiques to collect. The key to choosing the right collectible for you is knowing what you love.
In most cases, for an item to be considered "antique," it must be at least 100 years old. Something younger than that may still be collectible and valuable, but it is "vintage."
. As with any item that is vintage or antique , there might be defects such as a chip, crack, dent, stain or mottling. WE will always let you know that and show a photo of any defect.
Look at the antiques in my store
Start collecting ... it can be fun

Collecting autographs doesn't have to feel intimidating, and it doesn't have to be expensive. If you're a beginner, considering a new hobby. You start collecting signed photographs of actors/actresses you admire. In my case I have been collecting autographs of the Golden Age of Hollywood. We have autographs of Katherine Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich, Joan Fontane , Lucille BALL and many more
I have over 160 framed signed autographs on my walls in my home. Most if not all are on this website. Ones that are not include Greta Garbo, Marilyn Monroe, The Marx Brothers, Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable and many others. These autographs are highly collectible.
So browse the pages of autographs Transport yourself back to the Golden Age of Hollywood
Our apothecary and its products can improve your quality of life and support your body's systems. With the assistance of Botanical Bounty, we are able to provide teas, tinctures, apitherapy bee products as organic beeswax candles, propolis, salves, soaps and much more.
Our herbal tea blends are packaged based on the most common client complaints and symptoms experienced through Dr. Fratellone's medical practice while others are made with a personal touch.
We currently have seven ready-to-go tea blends on our shelves – Achey, Calmly, Gutsy, Lovely, Sickly, Sneezy and Twiggy – to address issues from muscle and joint pain to gastrointestinal discomfort and viral infection.
All of our teas and tinctures are from Botanical Bounty in New York City

An idea is born: In 2021, i was wondering how we can get more people interested in creative hobbies. I do a lot of needlepoint. I do a lot of pillows and framed needlepoint as gifts to friends and family members. I wanted to sell some of my creations also do a lot of collecting I collect autographs, first day cover stamps that are signed and lobby cards. I have also collected New York Worlds Fair 1939 memorabilia I wanted to start selling